Today I welcome to Cowboy Lovin' the talented Donna Marie Rogers, author of western romance Golden Opportunity, who brings to The Cozy Page an interesting question: "Can a city girl do a cowboy?"
Amber, thanks again for having me, and thank you to anyone who stops by! I hope you enjoyed the excerpts. Golden Opportunity received some amazing reviews including a Reviewer Top Pick from NOR, and 5 hearts from The Romance Studio. It's available at The Wild Rose Press. Please visit me at my website: http://www.donnamarierogers.com/
**Remember to leave a comment and share your favorite Western setting for a chance to win an e-copy of Golden Opportunity!
Amber, thank you so much for including me in your homage to cowboys, those classic American heroes. You've had some amazing guest bloggers this month, including my fantastic editor, Spencer Glenn!
What does a city girl know about cowboys? Not much, actually...LOL But this city girl has always had it bad for those rugged, handsome heroes, whether in historical or contemporary settings. Picture it...A dark-haired, blue-eyed cowboy leaning against the corral, one booted foot up on the rail, black Stetson tipped back as he gazes off into the beautiful Colorado Rockies....
Oh, yeah, I like the Stetson. Hat head doesn't bother me a bit. *grin*
I fell in love with Colorado through the eyes of my good friend & co-author of Welcome To Redemption, Stacey Joy Netzel (you may remember her from yesterday). I knew if I ever decided to write a western, it would have to be set in Colorado. That's how Golden Opportunity came to be. Fascinated by Stacey's passion for those gorgeous mountains, I decided to do some research, and fell hard & fast for the city of Golden. And their motto: Where the West Lives. Love it!
Golden lies west of Denver at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. Situated between Lookout Mountain and the two Table Mountains, this gorgeous city lies within a sheltered valley fed by Clear Creek. Sigh...Doesn't that sound stunning? Here's the picture that first stole my heart. And how breathtaking is this?
A few fun facts: Golden was Founded during the Pike's Peak Gold Rush on 16 June 1859; the mining camp was originally named Golden City in honor of Thomas L. Golden. The Adolph Coors Company was Founded in 1873. Golden is the birthplace of the Jolly Rancher, a candy bought out by the Hershey Foods Corporation. Famous western showman William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody is buried nearby on Lookout Mountain.
Okay, so Colorado is obviously my favorite setting for a western. But I must admit, Texas runs a close second. :-) So tell me, what is your favorite setting? One commentor will win an e-copy of Golden Opportunity!
James McMillan is a third generation owner of the most prosperous horse ranch in Golden, Colorado. When a gorgeous little filly shows up at his door waving what she says is the deed to half his ranch, James is unconvinced. But the document is authentic, according to his lawyer - his brother, Reese, sold her his half of the Double M during a poker game in Atlantic City. So not only must James find a way to get back those shares, he needs to fight his growing attraction for his luscious new business partner, who turns out to be a lot more than just a pretty face.
Having been on her own since she was a teenager, Angela Roberts has never wanted nothing more than the security of a real home. Her dreams come true when the chance to own half of a Colorado horse ranch falls into her lap. If Reese McMillan is too blind to appreciate what he has, that's his loss. Only she hadn't counted on the hostile reception she receives from his brother. Surly as a bear, James McMillan is also much too handsome for her peace of mind. Refusing to be intimidated, Angela sets out to win him over by proving she has what it takes to help him run the ranch - and ends up losing her heart to both.
Excerpt, Opening scene:
What does a city girl know about cowboys? Not much, actually...LOL But this city girl has always had it bad for those rugged, handsome heroes, whether in historical or contemporary settings. Picture it...A dark-haired, blue-eyed cowboy leaning against the corral, one booted foot up on the rail, black Stetson tipped back as he gazes off into the beautiful Colorado Rockies....
Oh, yeah, I like the Stetson. Hat head doesn't bother me a bit. *grin*
I fell in love with Colorado through the eyes of my good friend & co-author of Welcome To Redemption, Stacey Joy Netzel (you may remember her from yesterday). I knew if I ever decided to write a western, it would have to be set in Colorado. That's how Golden Opportunity came to be. Fascinated by Stacey's passion for those gorgeous mountains, I decided to do some research, and fell hard & fast for the city of Golden. And their motto: Where the West Lives. Love it!
Golden lies west of Denver at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. Situated between Lookout Mountain and the two Table Mountains, this gorgeous city lies within a sheltered valley fed by Clear Creek. Sigh...Doesn't that sound stunning? Here's the picture that first stole my heart. And how breathtaking is this?
A few fun facts: Golden was Founded during the Pike's Peak Gold Rush on 16 June 1859; the mining camp was originally named Golden City in honor of Thomas L. Golden. The Adolph Coors Company was Founded in 1873. Golden is the birthplace of the Jolly Rancher, a candy bought out by the Hershey Foods Corporation. Famous western showman William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody is buried nearby on Lookout Mountain.
Okay, so Colorado is obviously my favorite setting for a western. But I must admit, Texas runs a close second. :-) So tell me, what is your favorite setting? One commentor will win an e-copy of Golden Opportunity!
James McMillan is a third generation owner of the most prosperous horse ranch in Golden, Colorado. When a gorgeous little filly shows up at his door waving what she says is the deed to half his ranch, James is unconvinced. But the document is authentic, according to his lawyer - his brother, Reese, sold her his half of the Double M during a poker game in Atlantic City. So not only must James find a way to get back those shares, he needs to fight his growing attraction for his luscious new business partner, who turns out to be a lot more than just a pretty face.
Having been on her own since she was a teenager, Angela Roberts has never wanted nothing more than the security of a real home. Her dreams come true when the chance to own half of a Colorado horse ranch falls into her lap. If Reese McMillan is too blind to appreciate what he has, that's his loss. Only she hadn't counted on the hostile reception she receives from his brother. Surly as a bear, James McMillan is also much too handsome for her peace of mind. Refusing to be intimidated, Angela sets out to win him over by proving she has what it takes to help him run the ranch - and ends up losing her heart to both.
Excerpt, Opening scene:
"I'm telling you I bought it fair and square. This deed proves it."
James McMillan glared down at the crazy woman waving a document under his nose. So his fool baby brother had finally done it--he'd gambled away his half of the ranch. James' biggest fear had come true, and she barely reached his shoulder. He blew out a silent breath and thumbed his Stetson back. "Look, Miss...?"
"Roberts. Angela Roberts."
"It'll take me a few days to raise the funds to buy it back. In the meantime, there are several hotels in downtown Golden-"
"Sorry, Cowboy, but you're not getting rid of me that easy. I'm staying right here at the Double M. Reese said-"
"Reese is an idiot, and I don't give a damn what he said. I'll be dipped if some gold-digging opportunist is gonna set one foot inside the home my great-grandparents built with their own hands. Now, I'll pay for your hotel room if you can't afford one, but either way, you're leaving."
She huffed out a sigh of frustration and crossed her arms over her ample chest. Big blue eyes clear as the Colorado sky gazed up at him, and for a brief moment, James became lost in them.
He gave himself a mental shake, ignoring her full pouty lips and shiny auburn hair, which hung in loose waves down to her waist. Lord, did he love long hair on a woman. Damn you, Reese.
"I told you, I'm not going anywhere. I own half this ranch, whether you like it or not. And if you insist on making me leave, I promise you I'll be back with the sheriff."
Great. Just freakin' great. Sheriff Martin would pounce like a mountain lion on a chance to make James miserable. And if she got that vindictive old cuss involved, the story of Reese's stupidity would be all over town by nightfall. His frustration must have shown on his face because a knowing smile curved those luscious lips. James propped his hands on his hips in defeat and took a step back. "Fine. You wanna play house, lady, be my guest. Just don't get too comfortable."
With a toss of her head, she picked up her suitcase, her high heels clicking on the tiled floor of the foyer as she strode past him. It took all James' self-control not to give her denim-clad ass a swat as she passed by.
Excerpt #2:
Excerpt #2:
"What the hell do you mean it's legal and binding? It's written on a hotel letterhead, for chrissakes."
"I'm sorry, James," his lawyer said with an audible sigh. "It would be legal if it were written on toilet paper. It's spelled out to the letter, both parties signed it, as well as two witnesses and a notary republic. I'm afraid Miss Angela Roberts owns forty-nine percent of the Double M Ranch."
James blew out a hard breath. "Thanks, Cal." He tossed the receiver in its cradle and leaned back in his leather armchair. Bitterness ate at his soul until he thought he might choke on it. Reese's resentment of James had been going on for so long he could barely remember how the hell it got started. Over something minor, no doubt. And each year the rift between them had grown wider.
Until Reese had stepped over the line and lost James' respect for good.
He shot to his feet and paced the floor for a few seconds, then headed to the sideboard to pour himself a bourbon. The welcoming burn blazed a path straight to his gut. He downed a second and was about to pour a third when someone knocked on the study door. Shit, the last thing he wanted to do was sit through one of Meara's lectures. He set his glass down with a thunk, stalked over and yanked open the door.
Only it was Angela standing there in the dim light of the hallway, gazing up at him with those big blue eyes. She wore an oversized New York Giants T-shirt that hung down to just below her knees, and she'd pulled her thick auburn hair up into a ponytail. She looked vulnerable and uncertain and more beautiful than any woman had a right to.
And the bourbon was suddenly warming more than just his stomach.
"I'm sorry, James," his lawyer said with an audible sigh. "It would be legal if it were written on toilet paper. It's spelled out to the letter, both parties signed it, as well as two witnesses and a notary republic. I'm afraid Miss Angela Roberts owns forty-nine percent of the Double M Ranch."
James blew out a hard breath. "Thanks, Cal." He tossed the receiver in its cradle and leaned back in his leather armchair. Bitterness ate at his soul until he thought he might choke on it. Reese's resentment of James had been going on for so long he could barely remember how the hell it got started. Over something minor, no doubt. And each year the rift between them had grown wider.
Until Reese had stepped over the line and lost James' respect for good.
He shot to his feet and paced the floor for a few seconds, then headed to the sideboard to pour himself a bourbon. The welcoming burn blazed a path straight to his gut. He downed a second and was about to pour a third when someone knocked on the study door. Shit, the last thing he wanted to do was sit through one of Meara's lectures. He set his glass down with a thunk, stalked over and yanked open the door.
Only it was Angela standing there in the dim light of the hallway, gazing up at him with those big blue eyes. She wore an oversized New York Giants T-shirt that hung down to just below her knees, and she'd pulled her thick auburn hair up into a ponytail. She looked vulnerable and uncertain and more beautiful than any woman had a right to.
And the bourbon was suddenly warming more than just his stomach.
Amber, thanks again for having me, and thank you to anyone who stops by! I hope you enjoyed the excerpts. Golden Opportunity received some amazing reviews including a Reviewer Top Pick from NOR, and 5 hearts from The Romance Studio. It's available at The Wild Rose Press. Please visit me at my website: http://www.donnamarierogers.com/
**Remember to leave a comment and share your favorite Western setting for a chance to win an e-copy of Golden Opportunity!
Wow, that's a great prize! Readers, Donna's giveaway will be open for entry until midnight EST January 29th and the winner will be announced the following Tuesday, February 2nd. Chances of winning depend on the number of entries and you must be 18 years or older to enter.
Thank you so much, Donna, for visiting! I can't wait to read Golden Opportunity!
And I should mention that if you'd like a real taste of Welcome to Redemption, Donna's co-author Stacey Joy Netzel's giveaway is still open for entry as well as Sandy Sullivan's giveaway....
For a city girl who doesn't know much about cowboys, you've got no trouble at all writing them! :)
I love your enthusiasm for Golden and Colorado. I would have to say that Colorado is definitely my favorite setting - and I'm not just saying that because I live there.
Stacey, thank you! As my critique partner I owe you (and Jamie) a lot of credit. Thanks to you, I know which end of the horse gets fed. *grin*
Karin, you live in Colorado? Lucky duck! I really hope I get to see that beautiful state for myself one day...(insert wistful sigh) :-)
I love it when a novel features a leading couple that are initially at odds with each other...and I'm wondering how a city girl (like myself) will cope on a ranch. ;)
Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow, Colorado looks and sounds just gorgeous! I can see why you (both) are hooked on that as a setting.
The excerpts are fantastic! I love the set-up already. Only forty-nine percent? So he has the controlling shares which I suspect will lead to some head-butting very soon. Hah!! Looks like another great read from the Soon-to-be-famous Donna Marie Rogers!
The Write Soul: www.chironokeefe.blogspot.com
I loved this post before I finished it because I'm a cowboy loving city girl.
Yay, more cowboy lovin' city girls! LOL
Julie, I hear you. The sparks are so much hotter when the lead couple initially can't stand each other. ;-)
Chiron, you're too sweet! Thank you, your support means a lot to me!
Leni, thanks for stopping by, I'm so glad you enjoyed my post. :-)
Well, Donna, I love Golden, Colorado, too, but they've been ruining it for awhile by building high dollar homes upon the mountain side.
What about Montana, Wyoming or even Calgary, Canada where they have a huge rodeo every summer? They would be great settings for a western. lol
Sandy, thanks for stopping by, though your comments about Golden bummed me out...LOL I like Montana. I visited Great Falls many years ago, and it was gorgeous. :-)
Lauren's Eyes by Norah Wilson is a western-set paranormal that takes place on a ranch in Borland, Alberta, outside of Calgary. It was really good. :-)
I lived in Colorado for a few years, but I lived in Durango. It's very beautiful there. I don't miss the expense of living there, but I do miss the scenery. Your book sounds great. I'd love to find out what happens.
Hi Donna,
Loved the excerpts and truthfully ?
Who doesn't love those sexy cowboys. And personally any setting would do as long as them cowboys were present. lol
Carol L.
Linda, thanks for stopping by. I didn't realize Colorado was an expensive state to live in. Though I bet it's worth it. :-)
Carol, I'm so glad you enjoyed the excerpts! And yeah, I hear you. I don't care where a book is set as long as it has a rugged, sexy cowboy for me to love. ;-)
I'm glad I saw the excerpt and enjoyed your interview.
I'm glad you liked the excerpts, Andrea, thanks for commenting!
Love those excerpts! Love this kind of writing! Keep it up! cb
awesome excerpts and contest Donna ur books sound awesome and i adore Colorado! I will be relocating there in the next year or so so awesome post and ur books rock
I love it when the leading couple have sparks flying from the start of their meeting. It makes for a very interesting read. You never know just what to expect from them. I love cowboys and that was a Great excerpt. I have not read any of your books but will be adding you to my new author list. Thanks for the giveaway.
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
I enjoyed both the post and the excerpts.
I look forward in reading this and your other works.
Tracey D
booklover0226 AT gmail DOT com
CB, Sinn, Miss Kallie, and Tracey, thanks so much for reading my excerpts and commenting. I'm so glad you enjoyed them. If it's okay with Amber, I'm going to give away 3 e-copies of Golden Opportunity. :-)
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