Could letting go of her inhibitions change her future? Julie works to pleasure others. As a sex phone hotline operator, it’s her job, not her joy. She’s tired of living without pleasure or happiness in her life. Acting on impulse, she decides to venture beyond the familiar and partake in her deepest darkest fantasy. One which requires the skill and patience of two rugged and rogue rangers.
Can Julie stop hiding and learn to except this wilder, more wanton facet of herself? Can letting go set her free from the regrets of past mistakes and guide her to a more prosperous future?
Eve Knight's day-to-day life is pretty uneventful, but when she sits down at her computer, anything can happen. She invite yous to come along for the ride with her—to experience erotic sojourns and partake in the pleasures her imagination has to offer. Plan to stay awhile because there’s always something hot brewing.
Eve sat down with our Cozy correspondent, Tink, earlier this week for an interview. Here's 20 Questions with Eve Knight! Take it away, Tink....
Tink: Are you the first one on the dance floor or not so much?
Eve: I’m not much of a dancer. I’ve got rhythm, but it sure as hell isn’t with my feet. LOL Counting out the beat is more my style.
Tink: Do you prefer to spend the night at the theatre or at a bike show?
Eve: Definitely the theater. Actors are a fun bunch to be around. I took drama in high school, so I’m kind of partial to them. [grins]
Tink: Do you give relationship advice or think it’s a bad idea?
Eve: If it’s asked I will, but every situation is different, and who am I to tell others how to live their lives?
Tink: Describe the ideal hero – rough and tumble highlander, titled gentleman of the ton, modern-day bad boy, or supernatural anti-hero?
Eve: Oooooh…well that’s a hard one. Given the right book, they all can make me melt. I love rough and tumble highlanders. There’s just something primal and elemental about a man in a kilt. The Regency gentleman has that same roughness under his tailored clothes, but I love how you can peel all his refinement away to the real man underneath. As for modern-day bad boy, whether he’s a shiek or a cowboy, there’s always a good man to be found beneath the hardness. The ideal hero for me is a good man who’ll fight for/with his lady and to respect and listen to her. He’ll be there to support, protect and cherish her. Much easier to find a man like that in fiction. LOL
Tink: Would you rather tell someone you love them or show it?
Eve: Sometimes I think we give our love too freely. It’s not easy for me to tell someone I love them, so I’d try showing first and hope they’d catch on.
Tink: Travel to the past or into the future?
Eve: Definitely the past. More specifically the Regency. I’d love to be a distinguished lady of the ton. *g*
Tink: Bubble bath or hot shower?
Eve: Love bubble baths. There’s just something so sensual and relaxing about the water gliding over your skin.
Tink: Flats or high heels?
Eve: Flats! Hate heels. They kill my feet.
Tink: Flowers or chocolate?
Eve: What? I have to choose? Love them both.
Tink: G-rated or unrated?
Eve: Hmm…unrated. You’re supposed to be naughty on Valentine’s Day. Right? [grins]
Tink: Alpha or beta?
Eve: Alpha, totally.
Tink: Would you make the first move or wait it out?
Eve: I’d wait.
Tink: Favorite love song?
Eve: As sappy as it sounds, anything by Celine Dion. But for romance, anything by Sade.
Tink: For Valentine’s would you rather go out or stay in?
Eve: I’m all for staying in.
Tink: Karaoke: yes or no?
Eve: Hell yes. I love to sing.
Tink: Describe your most romantic moment.
Eve: Well there was that night in Rome, but I can’t go into too much detail. Let’s just say the gentleman and I had a marvelous time. LOL Seriously, romance to me isn’t about how much money is spent on something. It’s the thought that counts. It could be a simple gift, but if it’s from the heart, that’ll be what grabs me.
Tink: Boxers, briefs…or kilts?
Eve: briefs
Tink: What is your idea of a dream date?
Eve: One where the guy wouldn’t talk constantly about himself. [grins]
Tink: Valentine’s Day watch: sappy love story, romantic comedy or forgo all of the above and go with the action flick?
Eve: Romantic comedy
Tink: And, most importantly – do you like your man clean shaven or with a five o’clock shadow?
Eve: Don’t mind the five o’clock shadow.
Thank you, Eve, for answering all of Tink's instrusive questions! Readers, if you would like to know more about Eve and her books, visit her on the web. To purchase The Park Rangers visit Cobblestone Press today!
And now for an excerpt from The Park Rangers....
A low rumbling nearby signaled the approach of a vehicle. Heat stirred inside me, a heat not entirely brought on by the extreme temperature.
A jeep crested the rise behind me. I stepped aside on the road to allow the official-looking vehicle to pass to my right. Instead of leaving me in its dust, the driver pulled over to the wide shoulder and parked.
He pushed up his visor and rolled down his window. The cool air inside the cab wafted out, bringing with it the scent of leather, sweat, and man. His dark gaze traveled slowly down my body. Its intensity sent my hormones rioting.
“Excuse me, ma’am. Are you lost?” he inquired, his eyes finally meeting mine. “You’re trespassing. This path isn’t safe for hiking. You’ll need to come with me to safer ground.”
“How does one look lost? Besides, you’ve never seen a woman walking alone?” I infused a hint of irritation in my tone so my words fell somewhere between annoyed and bitchy.
I was nowhere near being lost. About a quarter of a mile back, I purposefully ignored the “no trespassing” sign, walking under the gate barring my way.
“Folks don’t travel without a partner or two. Those who do are usually up to their necks in trouble.”
“Well, as you can see, my neck isn’t up to anything but getting covered in sweat and mosquito bites.” I swatted at the pest on my cheek. “It’s my shoulders and back that are starting to ache like a son of a bitch.”
I only slightly regretted including in my fantasy the parts involving me walking miles through the swamp carrying a sack heavy enough to bend me in two. The only thing keeping me going this past hour was the thought of the phenomenal fuck awaiting me—my reward for such persistence.
He eyed my gear. “How long are you planning to stay with us?”
“Just a day.”
He lifted a brow, skepticism flashing in his expression before his gaze became shuttered. A line formed in his tanned forehead. “That’s a lot for one person to be lugging around, especially for only spending a few hours on the trail. What do you have in there?”
“Nothing too impressive, just the things I need to make my hike more comfortable. Mostly water since I’m so hot.”
I wasn’t overheated yet, but I couldn’t wait to see how high this guy would take me.
“Show me. And while you’re at it, hand over some identification.”
“Is this necessary?” I shifted, repositioning my burden.
“It is if you’re in possession of something illegal. You’re trespassing and refusing to cooperate. I’m more than a little suspicious of what you have in that sack.”
“Suspicious? Of me? I’m harmless, Ranger.” I feigned an appearance of innocence. I widened my eyes before narrowing my gaze on his stark expression. “Just what are you thinking I’d find worth stealing? I’m just here for a relaxing hike. I’m trying to get in touch with my primitive self.”
“There’s plenty you could be carrying: some of our plant life, bird feathers, soil samples, rocks…”
“I didn’t get your name. I want to be sure I report the correct ranger to the National Park Service when I file my complaint.”
“Ranger Jim at your service, ma’am.” Ranger Jim slid his long body from the jeep. His khaki pants molded themselves to his tight ass, his matching buttoned down shirt stretched tight over his broad chest. He strode to me, unhurried, his stare penetrating. “Now, how about handing over your identification? And unless you want to show me your research and collecting permit, I’m taking you in. I’ve had enough of your games.”
“I haven’t done anything. You can’t do that.”
He stopped before me. He stood so close I could smell the cinnamon on his breath and the sharp tang of his aftershave. “I’m doing you a favor. We’ll go to my office where my partner and I will examine every item in that knapsack and on your person. Unless you want to get soaked out here. It makes no difference to me where we conduct our interview.”
***GIVEAWAY DETAILS: Good news, readers! Eve has generously offered a giveaway for today! By commenting to this post before midnight EST, Saturday, February 5th, you will have a chance to win a basket of romantic goodies! (Chances of winning depend on the number of entries. You must be 18 years or older to enter. One winner will be chosen by the True Random Number Generator at Random.org and announced the morning after contest closing. Please check back in to see if you have won.)
Great questions and even better Answers! LOL. Really enjoyed it. Thanks so much. JoAnn
Well..I never like being the first commenter but I guess someone needs to be =) I answered pretty much the same to all the questions...I bet to hear about what happened in Rome would be interesting ;) The book sounds great too. I'm a new reader fro your books and newsletter. Thanks for the contest.
well i hope you have a great day and the blog was super the book well i like to read and blog on it
Thanks, Jo Ann and Tanya. I had so much fun answering Tink's questions. :) LOL
As for what happened in Rome, LOL use your imagination. LOL
Thanks for commenting, and good luck, ladies. :)
Loved the questions and answers, especially the showing love, so true.
Excerpt sounds fantastic, men in uniforms ;-)
"The ideal hero for me is a good man who’ll fight for/with his lady and to respect and listen to her. He’ll be there to support, protect and cherish her. Much easier to find a man like that in fiction. LOL"
I have to comment on this part....lol I agree its easier to find that guy in fiction but every so often you get lucky and find that guy in real life. Lucky me, I have one of those. We will be celebrating 18 years of marriage on the 17th of this month! Dont stop looking for that guy ladies, they are out there.
Also, love Sade! She has such an incredible voice and could probably make anything sound romantic.
Thanks for the questions and answers. I have followed you from TRS party and hope to read your books/ebooks soon.
Loved your answers, Eve. I prefer a quiet Valentine's Day with my hubby. He loves to cook so I get a great dinner, usually a bouquet of my favorite flowers, and I get to pick the movie that we watch, snuggled together on the couch.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
I loved the q&a! So much fun, and I had even more fun comparing answers - many of which were the same!
Great 20 questions! I prefer to spend Valentine's Day alone with my husband, no parties. Not sure what he has planned though!
user1123 AT comcast DOT net
The Park Rangers sound good. Enjoyed your interview. It's always nice to get to "know" an author and her books.
desitheblonde: I hope you love my naughty little short story. :)
Venus: Thank you. Love can be such a beautiful thing. IMO, it's not something to be given easily.
Suzette: Congratulations! How wonderful for you and your hubby! I'm glad you've found the one for you, and thank you for following me. I hope you enjoy my work. :)
Cathy: Aw, how sweet that he does everything. :) You're a lucky woman. :)
chelea_girl: Ditto! :) LOL
StacieDM: Hope that whatever you and your hubby do, it'll be amazing. :)
hotcha12: Good luck.
She: Thank you. :)
I really enjoyed the questions and answers. Your books sound very good and I look forward to reading them.
I loved the questions. I had fun answering for myself.
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