Cyber sparks...combustible consequences
Felicity Truro's diary is fast filling up with problems. First there's the ugliest bridesmaid's dress in the world, then there's her sick aunt's serious secret. But it's Rod McAllister, the handsome firefighter best man with attitude, who's melting her willpower and frazzling her nerves the most.
Can Flick survive being a bridesmaid for the eleventh time whilst falling for the groom's aide for real? And how will she cope when Rod needs a stand-in and she's promoted to top of the candidate list?
Judy sat down with Cozy correspondent, Tink, earlier in the week to talk about her heroine, Flick Trurro. Here's 20 Questions with Judy Jarvie! Take it away, Tink....
Tink: Are you the first one on the dance floor or not so much?
Judy: Flick dancing? Not so much. She’d be too protective of her killer heels for major strutting – though she might kick them under the table by the end of the night! A girl can only withstand so much temptation.
Tink: Do you prefer to spend the night at the theatre or at a bike show?
Judy: Theatre – something feelgood and upbeat. Especially with a pre or post-theatre meal (preferably Italian). Especially if there’s cheesecake for dessert!)
Tink: Do you give relationship advice or think it’s a bad idea?
Judy: Flick and relationships is a tricky issue. This is part of the whole problem in Flirting With The Fireman. Men are like books – the bestsellers make Flick suspicious. She definitely keeps her ‘relationship’ ideas to herself but wears her disapproval of Rod McAllister openly. Sadly for Flick – she might have figured this charming, hunky fireman out wrong.
Tink: Describe the ideal hero – rough and tumble highlander, titled gentleman of the ton, modern-day bad boy, or supernatural anti-hero?
Judy: Bad boy with a good heart – and ideally a uniform! Just don’t tell anyone! Especially not Rod.
Tink: Would you rather tell someone you love them or show it?
Judy: Show it the shy way. Opening up isn’t Flick’s bag. Even to her best friend Linda. And there’s reasons for that – she’s hidden her deepest hurts from herself for a long, hard time.
Tink: Travel to the past or into the future?
Judy: The past. Flick has deep issues that are unresolved. And someone from the past left her sooner than she was ready for. This book aims to unravel Flick’s tight emotions slowly but surely.
Tink: Bubble bath or hot shower?
Judy: Sudsy shower. She’s usually on the hop between library organization meetings and bridesmaid dress fittings! Life’s a bit manic right now and a quick shower’s just the ticket.
Tink: Flats or high heels?
Judy: High. Designer. Some demand a wait list! Though Birkenstocks can have their place when chilling out.
Tink: Flowers or chocolate?
Judy: CHOC. Most definitely. But don’t talk about calories. Just make sure pralines are heavily represented.
Tink: G-rated or unrated?
Judy: The library might censor anything too hot – but Flick would read it beneath her desk!
Tink: Alpha or beta?
Judy: How about a compromise? Alpha allure with a beta heart.
Tink: Would you make the first move or wait it out?
Judy: Sigh. Isn’t this the problem?! Waiting, waiting – always waiting and denying interest. Flick has reached the point of no return with Rod McAllister – he’s about to woo her properly.
Tink: Favorite love song?
Judy: Patience – Take That. Hero and Heroine have to show a lot if this before they find their happy ending.
Tink: For Valentine’s would you rather go out or stay in?
Judy: In. With a good book. Avoiding the canoodling couples and taking solace in dessert!
Tink: Karaoke: yes or no?
Judy: How could Flick sternly warn library users to be quiet if they caught her doing karaoke on a Friday night? Flick would secretly love to let it all go with a mic!
Tink: Describe your most romantic moment.
Judy: All I’ll say is it involves a very special cheesecake. You’ll have to read Flirting With The Fireman to find out.
Tink: Boxers, briefs…or kilts?
Judy: Oooh. My creator is a Scottish writer so she’s urging me towards a kilt. I’d have to say uniform is the essential ingredient here.
Tink: What is your idea of a dream date?
Judy: One without arguing. One without mishaps. One that doesn’t involve all things going wrong would be good. Rod and Flick have ‘date problems’ on a large scale! Some of them involve hospital treatment.
Tink: Valentine’s Day watch: sappy love story, romantic comedy or forgo all of the above and go with the action flick?
Judy: How about meal and a foot massage? Those high heels take it out of a gal! And Rod’s a thrilling view in his own right.
Tink: And, most importantly – do you like your man clean shaven or with a five o’clock shadow?
Judy: Now that depends when. Returned from work shadow and lines under the eyes is a killer look when your man’s been saving people from burning buildings. But clean shaven, arriving at the library with a smile and a spritz of spicy cologne – how’s a girl to choose? Both – double helpings please!

Readers, learn more about Judy, Flick, and her other books at her webiste! Judy Jarvie worked in Press and PR in London until she moved back to Scotland and realised she'd been spurning her one burning love of writing. So she gave in to the call to do it and has kept going ever since. Now the writing keeps her sane and happy and dreaming up new heroes on a regular basis. She lives in a village in Scotland with her husband and two very special daughters who keep her out of trouble. Her next release, Nanny Behaving Badly, launches tomorrow, Valentine's Day!
And now for an excerpt from Flirting with the Fireman....
Rod McAllister scanned ‘Fusion Cooking Made Fabulous’ then clocked the county librarian heading his way.
As Flick Truro’s killer heels pounded marble he smiled in greeting. He knew she couldn’t stand him; she wore it like a stiffly starched shirt.
“Good evening, Rod.”
“Hi Felicity, how are ya?”
“Fine. You?” The heel clicks continued as she passed on and a light cherry blossom scent teased him.
“I’m trying to be good with these books of yours.” He nodded to the way he nursed the volume in his hands like a swaddling infant.
“In what way good?”
“Careful attention. In case you fine me for improper book handling.”
Why had he said that? Was his mouth programmed to misfire around Flick?
Stopping, she threw him an over shoulder stare. It was pure Titian painting. But if she realized what he was thinking she’d kill him, no question.
“S’okay I’m not that strict. I won’t handcuff you if you crease a page. I don’t have a cell downstairs for offenders.”
The urge to laugh bubbled inside him. “Shame. Could be fun.”
Her lips stayed in a firm line. “I’d make you read Crime and Punishment instead.”
Readers, be sure to check back in tomorrow for more winner announcements from earlier this week and the last day of our 20 Questions Valentine's Event!
Thanks for having me Amber. I'm really enjoying reading all the author answers to these questions!
Hi Judy! Tink and I enjoyed the interview! Thanks for telling us more about Flick and FLIRTING WITH THE FIREMAN! Love that title :)
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