
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kreativ Blogger Award

During the Cowboy Lovin' event in January, I was informed that author Kat Holmes had nominated The Cozy Page for the Kreativ Blogger Award. I have not forgotten and still feel very honored. While my group blog The Roses of Prose has received this prize, The Cozy Page hasn't. So thank you very much, Kat!

Here are the Kreativ Blogger rules: post 7 things about myself that no one knows then nominate 7 separate blogs for the award. Link back to the blogger who nominated you.

So here goes. 7 things you might not know about me:

#7 - I'm actually quite ditzy at times. I haven't been able to shake the blonde jokes (though, yes, I've been a brunette since 2005) since high school.

#6 - I'm on a historical romance kick. Since the new year began, I've craved nothing but historical romance. Just this week I purchased Christina Dodd's Candle in the Window and Christine Wells' Wicked Little Game. The week before that, I bought Deborah MacGillivray's One Snowy Knight and re-read Kris Kennedy's The Conqueror. And next on my buy-list is Eloisa James, Carrie Lofty, and Teresa Medeiros....

#5 - I think I've finally settled on a paranormal pen name. The first name is the same as one character from the television show Friends, which I adore! Can you guess which character? (Spt! The answer's at the end of this post!)

#4 - Big band music relaxes me. It's the old soul in me.

#3 - I usually name every piece of technology I use on a daily basis. For example: my laptop is named Keats. My horrible printer's name is Frankenstein. And my new iTouch 3G phone is named Galinda.

#2 - Speaking of Galinda, it is now a tradition for my mother, my sister, and I to take a road trip at least once a year to see the muscial Wicked.

#1 - I've decided that when my muse takes her infamous jaunts to a deserted island, she isn't there with Fabio. She's hanging with Captain Jack Sparrow, and she doesn't come back until the rum's gone.

Now for my Kreativ Blogger nominees...

Southern Sizzlers

Ununusal Historicals

Between the Pages

Risky Regencies

Happy Endings

The Menagerie

Emma Lai Writes

Now for the answer for #5 and a few laughs....


Jillian said...

Shoot. I guessed Rachel. LOL! I name all my cars. I had named my last computer P.O.S. It is gone now so I am looking to name the new one. Never thought of the printer.

Amber Leigh Williams said...

Good guess, Sherry. According to FB's "Which Friends Character Are You?" quiz, I am Rachel. But there's already a couple of "Rachels" in paranormal/urban fantasy and I wanted something unique :)

And P.O.S. is the printer's nickname.