A) Pink Sheath - I love this dress first and foremost for the color and secondly for the beading which angles up and gives it a little something extra. It's very springy yet elegant enough for my imaginary red carpet. Yes, we will be practicing our red carpet cat walks as well as our winning moment faces....
B) Ivory Halter - I bought this dress for my rehearsal dinner but never got to wear it. It really needs a night out soon, I think. It's very light (don't worry, it's 70-something degrees on the Coast and we'll have a nice fire going for ambience, I'm sure) and flirty....
And here, just for reference, are the Gianni Bini's I got for Christmas which I haven't had a chance to wear either! Whichever dress you choose, Cozies, I'll be pairing them with these puppies....
Feel free to comment with your answer to this post or, if you prefer, tweet your preference t0 @ALeighWilliams! You can also reply with an answer on Facebook. Saturday evening I will tally up your votes and announce the winner. And, of course, on Monday I'll post party pics with my Oscars recap!
Love the ivory halter - classic, elegant. But either choice, I'm sure you'll steal the show!
Thank you for the input, Maeve! The ivory halter does hold a special place in my heart :)
I LOVE the pink sheath. I wish I could get away with wearing this piece of deliciousness.
I like the pink sheath. Pink is my favorite color, so, of course, it's the one I'd pick. :)
The ivory halter has my vote. Very Elegant and probably more figure flatterying. Looks like it will do wonders for the bustline. lol!
@Marybelle, thank you for your vote! I love the pink sheath, too!
@Sarah, Pink's my favorite color too!
@Lilly, wonders for the bustline are definitely noted :)
Hi Amber! Love the Ivory Halter ... has a Grecian feel: classic ;)
The shoes are to die for!
Thank you, Rachel! I ADORE my Giannis :)
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